Off the Needles | Goal Recap

Time went much too fast this last weekend, but it always does. It was a good weekend and we had a nice drive to Northern Wisconsin where there are lots of beautiful leaves to visit with hubby's family for his grandma's 92nd birthday - it's just dawning on me now that I didn't snap a single photo. Drats! Oh well, trust me, it was beautiful. Surprisingly, I spent a good portion of the drive up just taking in the scenery without thinking much about the looming deadlines. But, on the way home and on Monday, I spent a fair amount of time knitting. I managed to complete Goal #1 from my last post and bind off the new Campside Knitalong for the shop. It got a bath this morning *squee* and it's drying on the blocking boards now.

IMG_20141008_163738I can't wait to share finished photos and the project details for this one! It was a really great knit and I'm resisting casting on another so I have one to wear, but the knitters at the shop come first, so I'm holding off until after the next shipment of yarn arrives.

As for Goals #2 & #3... unfortunately, I didn't get to my sweaters this weekend, but I did get the Inland project bag out so I can get back at it before the end of the Journey-along.

I do have another FO to share... Remember these socks?

Worsted WIP

Well... now they look like this:

IMG_20141008_180923I had them finished up a few weeks back for hubby's birthday and I'm happy to report that they fit him perfectly! I looked back and found my original post on these socks and it was from January (oops) and that means that my intention was for these socks to be worn by hubby last winter. Sorry, dear.  

Pattern: Basic Sock by Churchmouse Yarns & Teas

Yarn: Regia Zima 8-Ply Color by Regia

Raveled: Basic Sock - Worsted

Well... It's knit night at the shop, so I'm off to pull my Inland out of the knitting bag and hang with the knitters - and maybe knit a wee bit, too. I'll be back with more on the finished Knitalong and there *could* be a guest blogger stopping in soon, too!


Sock Weather

It's cold here in the Midwest. Currently it's 19 degrees below zero. Yes, -19. It. Is. Cold. Logan is hanging with me today as I work from home. Something outside is apparently stare-worthy - I saw nothing beyond the frost covered window, but I didn't ask questions.

wpid-IMG_20140106_094529.jpgEach summer I hope and dream of heading into winter with stacks of hand knit socks for myself and hubby. Over the last year, Susan B. Anderson began posting tantilizing photos of her overflowing sock drawer and it's impossible to not be sucked into the world of socks after seeing all that beauty.

I was inspired, motivated, and I had dreams... I also have a job and it takes time to knit a full drawer of socks. Winter is obviously here (remember, -19) and I'm down to only a couple pairs of hand knit socks, so I'm frantically clicking away between other projects. I cast on a new pair of socks while we were in the car heading to hubby's Grandma's for Christmas, completed the cuff on the way back, and I turned the heel that night when we got home.


Nice long cuff on the finished sock, right? Yeah, about that... I was knitting on a 9" mini-circ in the dark on the way home and had no idea of how much progress I was making. Upon our arrival home, I was pretty excited to see it was nearly 10" long, then... I cast on the second sock and realized I would have to do it again. LOL! It's okay, I'll get there. Eventually.

A couple questions have come up since my last post with the darning poll (results are coming, just keep reading...). The questions were:

  • How did I knit that much so fast? Well, it's a sport weight yarn knit on a US 3 (3.25mm), so they knit up really fast. This particular yarn is Regia's 6-ply that comes in 150gr balls and they've really expanded their 6-ply line over the last couple years - with our shop inventory expanding proportionately. *eek*
  • What pattern do you use? My "go-to" sock pattern is Churchmouse's Basic Sock. Not only is it my personal "go-to" for socks, it's also the pattern used in the Top-Down Sock Workshop that I'm teaching again in just a few weeks and the pattern I recommend at the shop to new and seasoned sock knitters because it's just simply a good basic sock pattern. Churchmouse dubbs it, “The sock we return to again and again.” This is SO true!


This pattern is the closest to a "perfect" top-down sock pattern that I've found in my 12+ years of knitting socks. I knit and teach these socks exactly as the pattern is written, with ONE exception:

  • I pick up ONE extra stitch at the top of the gusset. I've always done this on top-down gusseted socks and it really helps to close up that pesky little hole that can appear. Picking up one extra stitch really makes a HUGE difference for me and it really helps the students in class, too.

I've taught a variety of sock classes at Firefly Fibers from the beginning and as luck would have it, a little over a year ago, the timing worked out that I would solely lead the sock classes (sock/sole, get it?). I decided then that I wanted to offer a sock class of some variety on every class schedule and each of those classes have been a huge success! I just really love hand knit socks of all varieties and I love teaching sock knitting - check out the Top-Down Sock Workshop details and contact the shop to register if you're in the area and interested in joining me in the upcoming class! It's a good time with plenty of tips and side-by-side assistance along the way.

So, before I get back to work on my cuff or get distracted by something else:


The results of the darning poll (which I'm leaving open in case anyone else wants to add their input): 

Sock Knitters, what do you do when hand knit socks are in need of repair?

  • 57% Knit a new pair
  • 38% Darn them
  • 5% Other

I'm a wee bit surprised that so many of us do the same thing and just knit a new pair - I'm also a wee bit comforted that I'm not alone. Granted, there are variables with darning: quality of the remaining sock, repairs needed, etc... I have some socks that I have darned and some that really just aren't worth it. But still, my first inclination is to just knit a new pair.

I'll be back soon with a couple more sock tidbits as I get ready to cast on another pair!

Cheers! Alisa