A milestone birthday...

I've been fairly absent here on the blog, on Facebook, and Instagram lately. Rest assured, I'm alive and doing well... March is just a CRAZY month - it's still the "busy" season at Firefly Fibers (yay!), classes and knitalongs need to be planned and launched, Mr. Yarnista and I vended at Madison Knitters Guild (it's a ton of fun AND a ton of prep), we have several birthdays (including mine) to celebrate, the pesky taxes need to be done (are you groaning at this one, too?), and then Life decides to rear its (sometimes) ugly head at the most inconvenient times (you know, just to keep things interesting).

With all that had to be done in March, I set a deadline. Yesterday. I made it to the finish line (mostly) not exhausted - although our boys probably thought I ran away from home and hubby has been a bachelor for the last 2 weeks - and I'm pretty much caught up and even worked a bit ahead on some things. Whew! 

Why yesterday as a deadline? Well, today is my birthday and not just any birthday, it's a milestone - at 12:50PM CST, I'll be 40. There. I said it. 40. I remember thinking 40 was SO old, and maybe it is, but I think I'm feeling okay. So far.


I had a lovely trip to Door County last month with one of my most amazing gals and we had a fabulous time - a million thank you's to hubby for "manning" the shop so I could get away and not work for a couple days. My gal took this photo of me and it makes my heart smile so big. 

And, just because I love this photo from our Door County trip (I promise I will share all the details soon), I feel like sharing it, too... 

Getting away for a bit, made me realize that I need to make more time for "time off" and what better day for that, than my birthday?! 

With that.... let fabulous 40 begin! Today will be full of food, family (hopefully all of my boys remember me), relaxing, and maybe even some knitting (I hope I remember how to knit). I'm off to open birthday cards and a special birthday package from my dear cousin before we start our day. Hope you have a lovely day and relax a bit, too!