The Infamous Yellow Sweater

Remember this?

Nevis_YellowWIPIt's my Awesome Yellow Nevis. It's been finished, blocked and worn a couple times, but sadly the neck edge started folding under almost immediately (as garter edges tend to do), so it's been in a project bag waiting for a few more rows of garter to combat this.

Truth be told, it's literally been sitting in this 'almost complete' state for months, but it keeps getting pushed aside. Really, it's not going to take that long and now the weather is warming up so it's the perfect time for a bright yellow sweater!

This morning I decided tonight's Knit Night is when the second (and final) finishing is going to happen! It's amazing how the company of other knitters can make a tedious task almost seem enjoyable - I did say almost

Also, bribing myself with lunch may have encouraged the sudden enthusiasm for finishing...

216719_10200784839888676_494927177_nBut seriously, this task require no thinking, no counting, just un-doing and putting it back on the needles, so it's perfect for tonight. Note: Of course, I didn't note the pertinent details on my Ravelry project page and I can't find my notes with the needle size I used, so I'm going wing it. Cross your fingers for me!

Do you struggle with the finer details of finishing, or re-finishing? If so, what do you do to win the battle?


A funny thing's been happening around here... projects keep putting themselves on the needles. Really, it's just happening. I'm minding my own business and next thing I know, *boom* there's a new WIP cast on! Okay, seriously, I think there are a few reasons for my current case of startitis:

  • Wisconsin is in seasonal transition, so I'm torn between cold and warm weather projects so that doubles the temptation.
  • Super-secret projects are on the needles that I desperately want to share, but I just can't - the boss lady, she's serious about the secrets.
  • Ordering spring/summer yarn.
  • Yarn is pretty.
  • I'm weak - mostly, I'm weak.

So, what do I do this afternoon? Obviously the only sensible thing, gather up a new project. This one is small and will be a ton of fun since it's Arne & Carlos:


See that beautiful selection of Cascade 220 Sport? It's going to be fabulous for some Easter eggs/ornaments. Never mind that I am a month behind on my Christmas balls for Sarah's Merry KAL, never mind the next KAL for the shop is currently a WIP and April is only getting closer, never mind OWLS that basically just needs a yoke, the Grace cardigan that is almost ready to divide for sleeves... Nothing to see here, move along.

I couldn't resist this one. Really... The books have been front and center at the shop the last couple weeks and a small fun project that I can complete in a very short time will be very good motivation to tackle the other projects. And, I get to use my favorite Blue Sky Alpacas dpn's!

Once the new KAL is announced in a little over a week, I'll show you what's inside my project bag(s) - it is sure to be very entertaining, indeed.

Have you caught startitis yet? Be careful, it's highly contagious!

In the box(es)

Today was delivery day at Firefly Fibers! I love deliveries and I'm always excited when something new arrives - even if it's just some office supplies or a restock of patterns, I'm giddy! Today wasn't office supplies. Today was much more exciting! Want a peek? image

See the square one on the bottom right? That's the new trunk show from Spud & Chloe so I'll get those garments out on display ASAP. 

The boxes on the top have some amazing new Regia sock yarn and, as you can see, a sock arrived assembled to show how the yarn knits up. I totally want to knit a pair now!


That big box on the bottom left, that's from Malabrigo. There were more bags, but I dove into this box right away because...


I had to get to the new Finito! This superfine merino is so soft and the colors are amazing! It's already found a home front and center where it has been tempting me since lunchtime. Pretty, huh? Do you have any project suggestions?

FinitoAYSo, this is what my day has been like. Well, there's been bookkeeping, but I don't think would be nearly as exciting for you to read about. *wink*

Cheers, Alisa