Kitchen Distractions

It seems that time goes fast enough as it is, but then there's the excitement of the week leading up to posting new classes at the store with last-minute decisions, photography, displays, proofing (and re-proofing) of class sheet, the website, the newsletter... The pieces always fall into place in the end and I'm always proud of not only successfully posting another round of classes, but that I do so with my sanity intact. One thing that does happen the week before classes is time in the kitchen. Usually I'm working away in the living room on various class tasks and need a breather, so I get up and wander to the kitchen for a snack of some sort. Then, I get distracted and end up spending an hour or more concocting something with what we have on hand. This kitchen distraction was a little different; I had a recipe in mind from earlier in the week from my Pinterest feed (my foodie inspiration), so I knew I had the supplies on hand.

The recipe, Microwave Caramel Popcorn by, calls for a  "large paper grocery bag" and this had me excited to try it out - yes, I'm that easy

This is the easiest caramel corn I've ever made, clean up is a snap and it was delicious - yes, "was", it's gone!

When all was said and done, it took about 25 minutes, including: rummaging through the cupboards for supplies, getting out the popcorn popper, popping corn and toasting almonds.

With the exception of a distraction here and there, just about everything in my life gets put on hold for a few days during class posting so I don't get much time with the sticks and string. I knit a sock, but I really don't count that since it was technically work being the test run with note-taking for the class I'm teaching in March; also, it's only 1 sock and there are no immediate plans to cast on it's mate.

So, today is the day. I've had a cup (actually a jar) of chai, now it's time to brew some coffee and cast on a new project. It's early yet on this "Sunday" of mine, so I'm optimistic that I can get a special small project cast on and off before the end of the day and also work on a new shop sample. I might even be posting a few progress photos here and on my Facebook page later in the day. *wink*

Remember, my Cuppow and Canning Jar Sweater Giveaway goes through Saturday, December 8th. If you missed the post or haven't entered a comment yet, you still have time. I'm really enjoying all of the comments -- thank you -- and I can't wait to try your recipes!


As promised... A Giveaway!

Earlier this week when I announced my new website, I said there would be a giveaway. Well... here it is and it's for EVERYONE! A few months ago I discovered Cuppow! - "FOR SPILL-FREE SIPPING ON THE MOVE.  It’s BPA free and 100% recyclable and now you won’t spill all over yourself when you’re drinking from a canning jar."

I've always loved beverages in canning jars (though I do not have an issue with spilling on myself when drinking from them) and turning a canning jar into a travel mug had me over the moon - I immediately fell in love and placed an order for the shop! My next logical step with anything is to get out the yarn and needles to accessorize. A prototype was knit up quickly, but life being life, finalizing the pattern took a backseat and it took a few months to launch the pattern.

Now introducing, the Sweater Jar Cozy - perfect for all of your canning jar needs and the perfect accessory for Cuppow! Our pattern went live a couple weeks ago and is now available here on Ravelry as a PDF purchase and in print and PDF at Firefly Fibers.

In celebration of my new home on the internet (thanks for holding on until the giveaway part), I am giving away a Cuppow and yarn for your own Canning Jar Sweater (both provided courtesy of Firefly Fibers).

Since this website is about more than just knitting, anyone with a love of canning jars and a canning jar can enjoy this prize! Here are the details on what you'll win:

  • Cuppow! - choice of regular or wide mouth.
  • Sweater by Spud & Chloe (approx. 40 yards) - choice of any color in the yarn line.
  • Plus!!! Your choice of:
    • Yarn with pattern to knit your own Canning Jar Sweater.
    • Have me knit the Canning Jar Sweater for you  - yes, I will knit for you!

Want to win? To enter, simply post a comment telling me what your favorite beverage is - recipes are welcome. Comments must be posted by Saturday, December 8th. Update - comments are now closed for this giveaway. Thanks to everyone for participating!

Note: I'll post the winner here on the blog on Tuesday, December 11th, so please make sure to add me to your RSS feed/Reader list or make sure to check back so you'll see the posted name.

If not claimed within a week, this fabulous prize will be given away to a new winner.
