Big Herringbone Love!

WHD_EcruAYI've had a love affair with the Big Herringbone Cowl for quite awhile and decided to use this lovely accessory as motivation - actually, it was bribery - to push me through the last bit of the 2012 knitting. My rule: as soon as I finished the 2012 projects, I could cast on with the Blue Sky Worsted Hand Dyes. AND... cast on I have. The classic herringbone stitch with the fabulous yarn make this a timeless accessory and the Ecru will go with anything - including marinara and red wine *gulp*. The stitch pattern is beautiful inside and out and the squish factor is amazing!


I'm using ginormous needles (US 17) so my forearms feel like they are going to fall off if I knit with them for too long. I've been trying to balance with projects on "normal-sized" needles, but I have a feeling I'll be risking physical injury trying to reach the finish line this weekend. Seriously, this is going to feel like a big hug when it's off the needles. I might not take it off until spring. Or maybe summer. We'll see.

I have a few more projects that have recently come off the needles and holiday gifts to share, but I'll save those for later. For now, I'll leave you with sweet herringbone weekend wishes and a photo of the cutest boy ever, my fabulous Mr. Joey.



Shiny and New

The time has come for my interests to occupy the same internet space. This website is the new home for all things Alisa -- welcome to! I started blogging several years ago and during that time I've had various blogs focusing on my interests. Opening Firefly Fibers in 2010 meant there would be much less time for my blogging and the posting became random, at best. [easyrotator]erc_7_1353966169[/easyrotator]

I enjoy blogging and this new home allows me to centralize everything for everyone's convenience (and my own sanity). Over time, you will see my past posts carrying over to the new site, but mostly you will find new posts on the fiber obsession that consumes nearly all of my life -- knitting, spinning and other fiber related tangents -- and also a view into my kitchen, books, music, travel and life in general.

I look forward to growing my new website and sharing with you. Cheers!

PS - Stay tuned for a giveaway later this week celebrating my new website launch!